Wednesday, July 29, 2009

uh... that bitch is closed

Lawnguyland is spooging more lame by the hour and smooties is getting worse every post. I can't wait to get back to Baltimore and not feel like I'm going to explode. 

Good news though.....Pixies are going on tour this fall, playing Doolittle in full!!!  AWESOME 

Thursday, July 9, 2009

thanks arthur!

This clip is completely satisfying<3

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


 The  demo/ep "land-seal" by the punk(sorta) band Thousandaries is the bee's knees. The band is a N.Y combo platter of awesome, consisting of members from Bridge and Tunnel, Halo Fauna and Get Bent.  I think its been out for a few months but you should give it a listen now if you haven't yet. You can download it free at    .While your at it you should dl the Get Bent Demo as well because everyone loves a plump hard drive!


Friday, July 3, 2009

This Town Needs Guns

I just came across the album "animals" by the band This Town Needs Guns and I'm loving on it harder than an american winning Ninja Warrior. The guitar work is boss and the one track sounds like minus the bear fucking circa survive while neutral milk hotel watches....if your into to that, you should check the album out...duh ( one day when I'm not a lazyasshole I'll figure out how to upload a full album to the internets for you. Might be a while)

Could Be Dickles?

Another poem that may be done or may just be pukecity.... "The Preacher Man" checkit

Enshrined circuit breakers Homogenize skylines

Marrying the sun to the forlorn sea

Unsettling the ground, Giving skin to the wind

 Bloodless Water drains tap thunderously at the brick

 as Plaid fucks wood to the wall

 the preacher mans downtown 2 for 1 ovariectomy with sheep’s blood celebration cake

comes with a complementary coupon book

 Metal eyeliner, pillow teeth, and an early morning human thigh biscuit at the local quickfastnowconvenientdeal make for a better occasion than an orgasm while looking at yourself.

 Typhoon headed baristas deal low carb independence in foam green rattles,

while Hallucinating from pockets filled with mobile fuzz


Riding beached whales

and making love to pictures of apples in trees



light speed 




 Recapping the recap before the days end.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

King Shot

Sooo I was surfing the interwebs and re- stumbled upon the imdb site for the fucking awesome(truest words) director Alejandro Jodorowsky( El Topo, The Holy Mountain, Santa Sangre etc..)  He has had a new project in pre-production for a while called King Shot that involves Marilyn Manson, a Hundred foot man and gangsters. It's supposed to be another meta-physical spaghetti western. The movies sounds amazing and to top it off, it's being put out by Absurda, which is David Lynch's company.

Check out this piece of concept art for the movie. I'm pretty excited for this, as should you

Friday, February 13, 2009

area 405

 Image of me installing my work for the Installations:Light,Space,Time  area 405 show last semester. photo by Graham Wimbrow

Monday, January 26, 2009


This video is real good, its a live version of Lovecats by The Cure and it sounds amazing. Its one of my favorite songs recently, half the reason is probably because The Cure backs me up on my choices to wear all black.  three cheers for the eighties.

I've recently found enlightenment and came to the conclusion that if everyone used the word "dynamite" to describe things, their would be world peace. Another video which is Dynamite, naturally is this live video by previoulsy mentioned David Bazan. He's playing a song written when he was in Headphones. have a listen and bask in its depressing greatness.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Alas, I Cannot Swim

Ok! I'm back in Bmore and not so excited that the arctic tundra decided to follow me here. The weather is making me lazier than ever, so Ive been sitting on my stoop waiting for a Tauntaun to walk by, which explains why this is the first post I've made in 5 years or maybe 4..whos counting?....I downloaded the album shown above maybe 2 weeks ago and I've been listening to it a whole lot. Its Laura Marling's first full length entitled Alas, I Cannot Swim.  It's an  acoustic/folk album with some country influences and reminds me of a spring day in the woods with a nice breeze mmmm, which sounds perfect on this ugly january day. Also, Laura is only 18 which makes the album a little more impressive as well. You should have a listen. Godspeed